Fran Silvestre, architect in the specialty of building (Honors) by the ETSA of Valencia and in the specialty of Town Planning (Honors) by the TU/e (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), Phd at the Polytechnic University of Valencia within the program project from the territory a modern look 2012-2016 (Magna Cum Laude), is a professor in the Department of Projects of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and assistant director of the School of Architecture in the period 2010-2012. He is currently Professor of Projects at the European University of Valencia and director of the Master's MArch | In Architecture, design and innovation of the European University of Valencia. Their study with the collaboration and the usual support in the projects of other studies such as Alfaro Hofmann in Interior Design or David Gallardo in Design and calculation of structures. Fran Silvestre has collaborated with the Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza Vieira, Pritzker Prize and Doctor Honoris Causa by several universities. He has received the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2013, 2015 dArchitecture Buil Award prize, prize WIN Architecture Award and other first prizes in the Contest of the peninsula for the remodeling of the Colonia Güell crypt_Antoni Gaudí - Barcelona, National Competition Fundación Caja de Arquitectos - Barcelona, competition for the remodeling of the axle Prado Recollects - Madrid (as a collaborator of Álvaro Siza Vieira), the College of Architects of Granada_Building Zaida exposed in the MOMA_On Site - New York (as a collaborator of Álvaro Siza Vieira), National Competition of Contemporary Art Gallery and Auditorium Edgar Neville - Valencia, and restricted competition for Shopping Center, Public Garden and building of houses in Bétera - Valencia. In addition, he has received the first prize for the work "MHK Casa del Atrio" - Berlin; and the play "House in the slope of the castle" has been selected by the Fundación Caja de architects to form part of the catalog that contains the best works of Spanish architecture 2008-2009. He has participated in numerous seminars and conferences in universities and institutions from Europe and the US to explain his work. The projects of the study have been exposed in various museums and galleries of contemporary art and have been published in international journals of architecture and design, among which are: Architectural Record, Wallpaper, TC Cuadernos, Pencil, GG, GA Houses, On-Site, AV, Igloo, Interni, Architecture and Design.