Born in Hokkaido,1970 Established Jun Igarashi Architects,1997 Instructor of Tohoku University,2006-2008 Instructor of Nagoya Institute of Technology,2006-2013 Visiting Professor of Oslo School of Architecture,2012 Instructor of Keio University,2013 Jun Igarashi's work questions the universal value of architecture by assuming the coexistence of Hokkaido's climatic conditions, scenery and environment. It continues to search for the “state of“ the original place of human beings”while thinking about the beginning of architecture beyond the existence of a single infrastructure. By observing and understanding Hokkaido's environment,a rich and unique space is created. The idea and concept attracted attention both in Japan and abroad,and in 2005 he was the first Japanese to receive the BARBARA CAPPOCHIN Biennale International Architecture Grand Prix (Italy). After that,he was a visiting professor at Oslo University of Architecture and he also presented multiple lectures abroad. His books include “JUN IGARASHI/THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STATE”(TOTO Publishing) and“JUN IGARASHI/THE INDICATIONS OF A STATE”(Shokusha),while the main exhibition is “THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STATE”(TOTO GALLERY?MA). Major awards include the 19th Yoshioka Award,the 21st JIA New Face Award,the 2018 Architectural Institute of Japan Award Education Award and many others.